Saturday, June 1, 2013

Review: Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin Granola Cereal by Enjoy Life

     Hey, sorry I haven't posted. I've been busy with the end of the school year, but it ends Wednesday, so then I'll be back on track with posts.  Lots of ideas for lunches, camps, parties, and product reviews. Be sure to add me to your favorites, follow me, and check back often. If there's anything you want me to write about, tell me in the comment section.

     This in the first in my REVIEW series where I take different gluten-free products, try them out, and let you know what I think. You can feel free to add your feedback on the product if you have tried it as well or if you know other products that I could try.

    Anyway, today I'm reviewing the cinnamon-raisin granola cereal that was sent to me a while back. That post is here in case you missed it.

Here's a picture of the package:

Inside the package:

And me eating it (delicious):

     Overall, very tasty, but I can't compare it because I've never had any kind of 'regular' granola. My mom, who's had both, says that the gluten-free granola is a little more crunchy and hard than other granola, but still was really good.

    What kinds of gluten free products have you tried for breakfast? 

(I was not paid or compensated in any way for reviewing this product. This was something I tried on my own from a box of items a reader sent me from her own kitchen cupboard.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! That looks good. We like Udi's granola. That is our favorite (Vanilla or Cranberry). The other brands seem to be "stale" or too hard, but don't recall if we tried Enjoy Life.

    For other options, we also like Udi's blueberry muffins, cinnamon toast or French toast (with Udi's multigrain bread), pancakes (Pamela's all the way!), and oatmeal. For oatmeal, we like Eco-planet's apples&cinnamon oatmeal, or Bob's Red Mill GF steel cut oats (with a little brown sugar and honey). We just tried Bob's Red Mill GF Muesli (cooked it) and it was pretty good too.

    Of course, other regularly non-gluten items too (yogurt, scrambled eggs, fruit)....

    Lots of breakfast options!


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