Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oatmealliciousnessism (or Oatmeal Gluten-Free recipe)

     Hey guys. Today I'm making some breakfast. GLUTEN FREE oatmeal. Why did I do gluten free in all caps? Well, normally oats are produced on contaminated equipment, so you have to get oats that are from a safe company (and don't order oatmeal in a restaurant -- it will almost always be cross contaminated oats). 

Here is how to make the brand I like.

Here's the package of my Bobs Red Mill oats:
(Notice the part where it says whole grain?
This is the good stuff since a lot of gluten free
products are made with starch and flours.)

Here's my empty pot. It's handy because it has
measurements on the inside of the pot, but any
good size pot will do:

Make sure if you're in a kitchen where gluten-containing stuff is made 
that you clean the counters thoroughly first to avoid any
accidental contamination. Better safe than in pain.

First, pour water in your pot—for my brand of oatmeal, 
it calls for 4 cups (a quart):

On a high temperature, boil your water. For those of you who don't know a lot about cooking, here's a term for the boiling you want: a rolling boil, a constant amount of large bubbles. Oh, and steaming is normal. (add rolling boil to your list of cooking
terms now)

Now add in your Gluten Free oats. In my case, I add in 2 cups,
or if you are modifying the recipe, keep in mind the ratio is
2:1 (water to oats) -- ratio is another good cooking term.

For my oatmeal, I cook it for about 20 minutes.

(yeah, that's happened to me before and my mom
makes me scrub the pot -- I just learned that by the way).

If your pot looks like this:

it's boiling over (this is another phrase to add to your list of cooking terms).
Ok, so back to this pot: if it looks like this turn it down or remove
it from the heat for a moment.

Once your oatmeal is ready, take it off the burner and SERVE! 
Don't take a ton though, because, trust me, GF oatmeal is pretty filling.

If you want to add stuff to your oatmeal, you can add loads of things,
like nuts (almonds right now, but usually I have glazed pecans),
sugar (or stevia or other substitutes), fresh fruit, milk...use whatever! ;)

OMNOMNOM! Oh, and nutritious!

Trust me, if you have something this yummy, you won't
feel like you are missing out at breakfast just because
you are now eating gluten-free. (I will write about
more breakfast foods in future posts)

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