Saturday, May 11, 2013


Cooking some gluten-free cupcakes with my friend and his sister.

     Hey, and welcome to my first blog. I'm an 11 year old kid who lives in Nevada. Actually, not just any 11 year old kid. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease when I was 10 months old, after Failure to Thrive. After 3 days on a gluten-free diet, my mom tells me I gained 2 pounds (more than I had gained in all the previous 3 months!) We were on to something. Well, now almost 11 years later (to the day), I'm starting this blog for all those kids (and everyone else) who have Celiac Disease like me. But if you're just gluten intolerant, allergic to it, or on a diet, you still might find this a cool and useful blog.

     So, I've never had a blog before, as I've said. I can't predict exactly what I'm gonna do post to post, but I'm planning to include what specifically I'm cooking, where I got the recipe from, as well as what I thought of it and some photographs of the food ;). Also, besides some cooking, I'm going to recommend good stuff (a word my English teacher hates but I get to use here cuz its my blog :) ).  Even though this is mostly a cooking blog, I will include kid experiences too.

    On the topic of ME, I like to play games, like Minecraft, write music, play clarinet, eat, cook, jump on the trampoline, cuddle with my dogs, research random stuff, and be with my family. So you might find blog posts just about me as a kid.

    I will be cooking from some various recipes, like those from professional cookbooks and recipes off the internet. All these will be gluten-free and Celiac friendly (for the difference on this, I will be adding a blog post as it relates to important information, especially eating out with all the new gluten free menus).

    Thanks for visiting and I hope you will subscribe to my blog and hang out with me online.

That's me in the middle bottom of this photo.
 These photos are from an Iris Garden in Oregon, and are from when I first picked up a camera, in this a Canon Rebel XT. These are NOT Photoshopped or edited in any way.
This is a REAL photo of a REAL flower.

This is a close-up of a fairly small flower, though I've taken photos of much smaller.

What flower do you think this is? Leave me a comment.


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